Coach's Clipboard

Basketball Coaching

Finding, viewing, printing articles

It's all pretty intuitive.  In the Premium and Youth member sites, there is a handy global drop-down menu at the top of every page for finding things quickly.  Also, each member area has site search so you can find things fast!

Printing - every article, play, offense, defense, etc has an accompanying pdf file.  When viewing an article, click the "View pdf" button on the upper right of each page.  Use the pdf to print the page.  You can also right-click on any page and select "Print" from the pop-up menu.

In the general, non-member website... get a good printed copy by right-clicking on the page and then select "Print" from the pop-up menu.  Or use the browser's "Print" button.  The header, footer and advertisements will not be printed.  Exception:  mobile users will see a top of the page anchor ad when scrolling down the page - to avoid printing this, refresh the page and without scrolling down, select "Print".

Safari IOS users:  if images are not being printed, it's because the images are "lazy-loaded" and Safari is not yet fully compatible with printing lazy-loaded images.  To allow lazy-loaded image printing on iphone, go to Settings > Safari > Advanced > Experimental Features > toggle "Lazy image Loading" off. The images should now print.

In accordance with Coach's Clipboard copyright, you may print any of the pages for your own personal use and you can make copies for your team or organization - but not for profit - you may not sell them.  You may not post them or use any of the contents on a website without permission from Dr. James Gels.