Coach's Clipboard

Basketball Coaching

Group - Team Membership questions - how does it work?

Premium Membership can be purchased as a single membership, or for 2 users, 4 users, 10,15, 25, 50, 75 and 100 users.  Group rates are discounted.

When you signup for your group, you will be the administrator of the group account (parent account).  After completing payment, you can add your account/group sub-users.  Login to your account manager below.  Then click the "SubUsers" tab, and then "New Record" and enter the new sub-users info, and click "Save".

Each sub-user will have his/her own username and password.  A sub-user can subscribe to the newsletter, change his/her password, and if not disabled/expired, can order products/subscriptions on their own, as a "normal" Coach's Clipboard user.

Once the group admin parent subscription expires or is deleted, our membership software will automatically expire related child sub-users. If the administrator renews the group parent subscription, sub-users access will be automatically renewed also.