Coaching Basketball - Coach's Clipboard
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"Coach's Clipboard is the oldest and most informational basketball website in the world. I use it daily." - Ganon Baker (more comments)
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New Offense: High Flex Delay Offense - run the flex from a high set.
New Offense: 5-Out Open Post Flex Offense - give your 5-out set a whole new look.
New Defense: 1-1-3 Zone Defense - a unique combination defense.
New Drill: New footwork drill - close-outs, slides and back-peddles.
Two simple 1-4 High plays: 1-4 "Elevator" and 1-4 "Alabama"
New Play: Zone Play - "Gold" - for attacking the 1-3-1 zone.
New Play: Baseline OB play - Stack Rub
New Play: Baseline OB play - 4-Low Blue
New Play: Loyola Box/Horns/or 1-4 Loop play
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What's New:
New Drill: Full-Court 2-Min Lay-up Drill - from Teri Moren, Indiana U.New Offense: High Flex Delay Offense - run the flex from a high set.
New Offense: 5-Out Open Post Flex Offense - give your 5-out set a whole new look.
New Defense: 1-1-3 Zone Defense - a unique combination defense.
New Drill: New footwork drill - close-outs, slides and back-peddles.
Two simple 1-4 High plays: 1-4 "Elevator" and 1-4 "Alabama"
New Play: Zone Play - "Gold" - for attacking the 1-3-1 zone.
New Play: Baseline OB play - Stack Rub
New Play: Baseline OB play - 4-Low Blue
New Play: Loyola Box/Horns/or 1-4 Loop play
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