Basketball Player Development Series with Tim Springer - Forward Scoring Workout
From the Coach’s Clipboard Basketball Playbook"Helping coaches coach better..."
Tim Springer is an elite basketball trainer/coach in the San Antonio area (see bio below). Coach Springer presents this workout that will help develop your forwards.
Standard Mikan Drill
Contested Mikan Drill
Diagram A. Player does traditional Mikan drill but the coach contests every shot. This forces player to hold off coach and finish at the basket. Set goal of amount of makes under certain amount of time.Quick Ups
Diagram B. Player rotates around the basket shooting jump-shots 3 feet away. Coach has 2 balls to speed up amount of shots taken. When the player is rotating to left he/she uses the left hand to shoot and vice versa going right. Goal is to make certain under time or consecutive amount of makes.

Mid Range Consequence Shooting
Diagram C. Player alternates between elbow and short corner shooting catch and shoot jump-shots.Diagram D. If player misses at any time they must sprint and touch the opposite sideline. They then continue the drill on that side of the court. Set a goal for makes and/or put the player under time.

High Post Quick Reads
Diagram E. O4 flashes to nail while Coach tosses out ball. Player squares up to basket and attacks with multiple moves.
- shot fake and go
- jab and go
- rocker move and go
- catch and shoot
Coach can also add different finishing moves on the attack.
Pick and Roll Into Pin Down
Diagram F. Forward sets pick and roll and dives. Forward then pins the chair (#) and gets fed for a post move.Drill: Run the pick and roll into a dive and pin on the chair. Receive the post feed for a score. Make 20 on each side of the rim.

Corner Attacks
Diagram G. Player cuts towards the baseline and sprints to the chair. Player takes the ball off the chair and attacks.Attack Moves:
- Rip Baseline
- Fake Baseline and Attack Middle
- Shot Fake and Attack either baseline or middle
- One Dribble Jumpshot either baseline or middle

Trailer Series
Diagram H. Player starts at half court and sprints to the 3-point line and catches the pass for different attacks out of the trailer position.Moves:
- catch and shoot
- one dribble jump shot to either elbow
- hesitate at elbow-layup
Make 25 of each.

Below are more player development work-outs and drills shared by basketball coach and trainer Tim Springer of San Antonio, TX. Included are many of the training drills used by several top NBA players.

Coach Tim Springer is the founder of Spartan Basketball in the San Antonio area. Coach Springer has trained over 500 players and coaches in the San Antonio Basketball Community.
His program features:
- Premier Basketball Camps (San Antonio and surrounding areas)
- High Intensity Skills Clinics
- Private Lessons for Basketball Players of All Ages (San Antonio and surrounding areas)
- Training for Club and School Season Tryouts
- San Antonio Coaches Clinics
- Clinics at the AT & T Center - same court as the San Antonio Spurs and San Antonio Silver Stars play on!
- Spartan Character Classes - teaching goal setting, planning workouts, and overall character development