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Best Educational Programs for Young Athletes - by Sarah Daren

From the Coach’s Clipboard Basketball Playbook
"Helping coaches coach better..."

As a parent, doing what's best for your kids isn't always easy. Every parent wants their child to succeed, whether it's on the field or in the classroom, but it can be a challenge to help students strike the right balance between athletic aspirations and academics. Kids who are focused on both athletics and their education tend to have packed schedules, but they also have the advantage of having other activities once they're out of school. Parents of athletic-minded children should support their kids in pursuit of sports activities, but must also make sure that they have a solid educational foundation for their future career-which may not involve sports.

Summer can be a great time for kids to pursue their interests, play on teams to improve their athletic skills, and explore their options for the future. If you want to help your child succeed in both athletics and academics, consider signing them up for a young athletes program or an educational summer program (maybe even both) to get them excited about the future. The more students can gain new knowledge and enhance their soft and academic skills, the more marketable they will be in the future.

Finding a Happy Medium between Sports and Education

If your child is excited about sports, it can be difficult to get them to focus on schoolwork. Giving kids athletic opportunities is important, however, it's important to find a happy medium. Aside from balancing their time during the school year, it can be extremely valuable to utilize summer time to help kids advance their educational skills and have fun playing sports.

Making the Most of Summer Months

Summer is a time for fun and relaxation, but it's also the perfect time for reflection and exploration. A young athletes program can help kids build skills and friendships on the field or court without the pressure of school or regular season championships hanging over their heads. Let's face it-the beautiful weather makes everyone want to be outside!

On the academic side of things, summer isn't a time for high-pressure studying. However, allowing your kids to attend summer programs and travel to colleges can get them thinking about their futures while giving them a taste of the college experience. The right summer learning program can help satisfy your young athlete's curiosity while preparing them for a prosperous future. Summer is a great time to help students develop and explore new opportunities, both academic and athletic.

classroom activity

Education Is the Key to a Prosperous Future for Kids

Just about every child who enjoys playing sports dreams of making it into the big leagues one day. Not every student athlete will make the pros, of course, but playing sports offers so much more than a possible career path. Discipline, teamwork, perseverance, lifelong friendships, and even college scholarships can come out of playing sports in school, and parents should encourage their children to play sports as long as they enjoy them.

With that said, education is the key to a prosperous future for most kids. Parents should encourage their children to choose an area of study they're interested in by giving them opportunities to expand their horizons. A quality summer program at a nearby university or workshops with the library and other education-focused organizations can help spark that curiosity and interest in children that motivates them to keep learning.

Parents can also create activities at home based on online resources and curriculums. Getting kids excited about STEM education, analytics, math, and more can help them build enthusiasm for a future career in an in-demand field. Even younger children can benefit from discovering what interests them most at school.

The Best of Both Worlds

Overwhelmed by everything you "should" be doing for your child? That's where summer programs can really make a difference. They take the pressure off and give you the peace of mind that your child is having fun while building skills.

If you start thinking about options for the summer now, it shouldn't be a problem to find the right programs and the perfect mix of activities to fuel your child's interests and get them thinking about the future. Kids with athletic dreams can have the best of both worlds. With work, it's possible to pursue both educational and sports achievements.

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Sarah Daren is a featured writer on the Today Show website and has been a consultant for organizations across a number of industries including athletics, health and wellness, technology and education. When she's not caring for her children or watching the New York Yankees play, Sarah enjoys practicing yoga and reading a good book on the beach.

Sarah Daren
Sarah Daren

Articles by Sarah Daren