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Should You Go Back to School for Your Coaching Degree? - by Sarah Daren

From the Coach’s Clipboard Basketball Playbook
"Helping coaches coach better..."

Going back to school is one of those things that we tell ourselves we are going to do, but life gets in the way and our plans for getting a degree often get pushed back. Time and again, something comes up that prevents us from doing it.

Why are you waiting? What are you afraid of?

Benefits of Obtaining a Degree

The average college student is between 18 and 22, but more and more adults over 25 years old are enrolling. People are going back because there are numerous advantages to getting a degree. Other than simply having a piece of paper, your degree will be able to open up more doors for your career.

How, you ask? As a degree holder, you will:

  • Earn more money - A higher degree is going to increase your earning potential quite a bit. Even with the rising costs of higher education, students can repay that debt and still make a decent profit.

  • More qualified - Your degree lets employers know that you know the information and skill set necessary to do your job effectively and efficiently.

  • Open more professional doors - With a high school diploma or GED, many career paths are closed to you. However, even with an associates degree, you will be able to get your foot in the door. The higher level of degree you earn, the more doors will open to you.

  • Surround yourself with like minded professionals - Your social circle doesn't have to consist of just drinking buddies or neighbors you have a barbeque with during the summer. As a degree holder, you can hob-knob with like minded individuals who work in the same field or who went to the same school. Your degree and college career gives you a chance to bond and network with people you couldn't before. Plus, those within your network could be instrumental at getting your career moving in the right direction.

  • Make a difference - While a degree in and of itself isn't necessarily going to change the way the world works, you can use that degree to make a difference in the lives of others. This can be done by teaching others, using your skills to help non-profit organizations, and so much more.

How Does a Coaching Degree Make a Difference

We mentioned that you can use your degree to make a difference and we wanted to expand on that. For those who love sports and children, obtaining a coaching degree can provide you with an opportunity to give back to the community, make a difference in children's lives, while you pass on the skills and knowledge that'll help increase their game.

Today, more now than ever, children need a positive role model in their lives. While you may be working as a volunteer coach for your local sports team, you can take your knowledge to the next level with a degree.

Let's say you are coaching little league baseball on a volunteer basis, but you want more. A coaching degree can allow you to go into the education system and teach students full time. You can create strategies that'll take your students all the way to the Championships in their sport. You can be a source of encouragement not just on their field, but also in life.

Coaching With Technology

As a coach, you aren't just relying on your knowledge of the game to help your players. You can use a variety of technological advances to help bolster your coaching methods.

For example, you want to pull inspiration from some of your favorite sports teams. You can send your players videos of the highlight tapes so they have an idea of what you plan to implement.

You can use sports quizzes to test your player's sharpness on terms, plays, and other things they need to know.

You can even use video conferencing to reach out to other coaches, alumni, and inspirational speakers to give your players the encouragement they need to play their best.

Final Thoughts

Deciding to go back to college and obtain a coaching degree (or any degree for that matter) isn't something you should take lightly. Being a coach isn't going to earn you millions of dollars, not unless you are coaching for a professional team or a prestigious university. Instead, you'll be rewarded with admiration from your players and the satisfaction of knowing you're making a difference in someone's life.


Sarah Daren is a featured writer on the Today Show website and has been a consultant for organizations across a number of industries including athletics, health and wellness, technology and education. When she's not caring for her children or watching the New York Yankees play, Sarah enjoys practicing yoga and reading a good book on the beach.

Sarah Daren
Sarah Daren

Articles by Sarah Daren